
Press release | BXVentures Joins the Alliance for Industry Decarbonization

July 27, 2023
Press release | BXVentures Joins the Alliance for Industry Decarbonization

Press release

Montreal, Canada - 17 May 2023 - BXVentures, a leading cleantech venture studio focused on  sustaining our biosphere, is proud to announce its joining the Alliance for Industry Decarbonization, AFID, a group coordinated by the International Renewable Energy Agency, IRENA. This strategic partnership aligns BXVentures' mission to advance technological assets and companies contributing to a Net-Zero world and a livable biosphere with AFID and IRENA's global objectives of promoting renewable energy, decarbonized industry, and sustainable development.

BXVentures specializes in identifying, shaping, and building technological ventures that drive the transition to a Net-Zero economy. By partnering with driven entrepreneurs, leading universities, and committed corporates, BXVentures transforms technological innovation into market and business success. With offices in Brussels and Montreal, BXVentures has established itself as Canada's first pure-play cleantech venture studio.

"Our membership in the Alliance is a significant milestone for BXVentures to bridge the chasm between leaders in industrial decarbonization and the latest clean technologies," said Hayden Smith, Head of Partnerships at BXVentures. According to AFID, "The transition to a sustainable energy system brings a combination of new opportunities and challenges.  IRENA welcomes BXVentures as a new member of the Alliance for Industry Decarbonization. The mission of the Alliance is to foster action for decarbonization of industrial value chains, promote understanding of renewables-based solutions and their adoption by industry with a view to contributing to country-specific net-zero goals".

BXVentures' focus on advancing technologies and serving industry partners aligns with AFID’s goal of decarbonizing industry for a sustainable biosphere. BXVentures is committed to supporting AFID’s objectives through various synergistic initiatives, including assisting member corporations in setting "top-down" net-zero and sustainability objectives, providing cleantech and sustainability advisory services,  and offering venture building services to scout, source, launch, develop, and commercialize customized cleantech solutions that directly address member corporations' technological requirements. This partnership entails a collaborative effort to drive positive change in the renewable energy sector, which BXVentures is committed to.

As part of this partnership, BXVentures will actively participate in AFID’s working groups. Hayden Smith, an energy innovation expert with 17 years of experience at global corporates such as Siemens Energy and Rolls-Royce, will act as the liaison between BXVentures and AFID. His role will involve sharing knowledge, guiding decisions, supporting AFID’s objectives, and identifying opportunities for collaboration with other Alliance members.

BXVentures is excited about the potential this partnership brings to making significant advancements in renewable energy that contribute to the global efforts for a sustainable future.

About BXVentures

Established in 2022, BXVentures aims to support and stimulate a growing global cleantech innovation ecosystem to sustain a livable biosphere. With the goal of creating and developing a portfolio of new startups in the cleantech sector, the studio plays a central role in aligning the various actors involved in the startup process: the academic world, the corporate and industrial world, and investors. With studios in Europe and North America, BXVentures aims to establish a presence in the most innovative hubs in the cleantech sector around the world. This network of studios enables it to build startups within local ecosystems while connecting to commercialization opportunities for global impact.

About the Alliance for Industry Decarbonization

Founded in 2022 by IRENA and Siemens Energy, the Alliance for Industry Decarbonization aims to decarbonize industrial value chains and accelerate net-zero ambitions in accordance with the Paris Agreement. The Alliance’s founders and partners, consisting of private and public organizations and stakeholders operating in energy-intensive sectors, commit to collaborate toward the common vision of a green future. The Alliance members believe in the power of partnerships based on honest dialogue and concrete actions.  The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) coordinates and facilitates the activities of the Alliance based on its vast experience in hosting multi-stakeholder platforms.

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